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10 Things You Need to Understand About Your Thyroid Stimulating Hormone

 Endocrine glands are responsible for production of hormones directly released into the blood rather than passing through a duct system. TSH or Thyroid Stimulating Hormone is produced by one such endocrine gland called pituitary gland.

Top 10 TSH Facts and Figures

  1. Do Not Mistake it With Thyroid Hormones

This is the common misconception about TSH. Thyroid hormones Triiodothyronine (T3) and Thyroxine (T4) are produced by thyroid gland, a tiny butterfly shaped gland located in front of the trachea(or wind pipe) and just at the base of larynx (or voice box). These hormones are produced as and when they are required. TSH is produced by pituitarygland in a joint venture with thyroid gland.

In simple words, TSH or Thyrotropin stimulates and facilitates the production of T3 and T4 hormones.

  1. Are TSH and TRH Same?

TRH translates to Thyroid Releasing Hormone; it is produced by hypothalamus located within the brain and is known to control the functioning of the pituitary gland (helping to produce TSH) apart from influencing scores of body mechanism like sleep, hunger, thirst, body temperature, and mood swings.

Hence, both TRH and TSH act jointly to maintain the optimum level of thyroid hormone within the blood stream.

  1. What is the Main Role of TSH?

The primary role of TSH is to act as the feedback system along with TRH to alert the thyroid glands to secrete more and more of T4 and T3 when thyroid level in the blood takes a dip (hypothyroidism). When reverse happens, that is when the level of thyroid hormone is above the desired level (hyperthyroidism), TSH signals thyroid gland to produce T4 and T3 in minimal quantity. Thus, it helps in maintaining equilibrium.

  1. What are the Main Functions of Thyroid Hormones Stimulated by TSH?

Generally thyroid gland produces T4 in the blood which is comparatively inactive than T3. T4 gets converted to active T3 within the liver and tissues of the human body. Both these hormones are responsible for producing energy because numerous biochemical and metabolic functions are facilitated by them.

  1. TSH Test is the Best Detection for Thyroid Imbalance

Poor secretion or excessivesecretion ofthyroid hormones can be medically diagnosed with TSH test which is mandatorily followed by another test called radioactive iodine uptake scan. The second test is to identify the root cause behind the suppressed production (either due to Goitre, Grave’s disease or Thyroiditis).

  1. Why TSH Test Should Be Done?

Periodic check up via TSH test should be done to keep thyroid disease at bay. It helps in:

  • Diagnosing thyroid disorders in persons suffering from the common signs and symptoms of poor or over secretion of thyroid hormones
  • Monitoring of Thyroid Replacement Therapy in hypothyroidism affected patients
  • Monitoring anti-thyroid treatment in hyperthyroidism affected patients
  • Evaluating the function of pituitary gland (on occasional basis).


  1. What Medications Can Counteract TSH Test?

Multivitamins, OTC medications, hair and nail supplements may affect proper screening of thyroid level via TSH test.

  1. Why Should TSH Check Be Done During Pregnancy?

Pregnant women should be checked for TSH to ensure the birth of a healthy offspring because there might be crucial changes in the functioning of the endocrine system of the body.

  1. Why Should Kids be checked for TSH?

Small children, especially below three years, should be screened for thyroid hormones level because they have a direct impact on the intellectual development. In case of imbalance intellectual disabilities might occur. They also influence the movement of food from mouth to the digestive tract.

  1. How to Understand Whether I am the Right Candidate for TSH test?

An enlarged goitre (symptom of hyperthyroidism) is the one of the most common signs that you have thyroid hormones imbalance within body. Hypothyroidism symptoms are sudden weight loss, increate heart beat, diarrhea, mood swing and heat intolerance whereas hyperthyroidism symptoms are weigh gain, dry skin, fatigue, cold intolerance and depression.


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