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What are the Top Benefits of 4D Ultrasound Imaging during Pregnancy?

Medical science has come a long way from the days when foetal movements in the mother’s womb and hearing of heart through a docs’ stethoscope were two good ways to determine the healthy development of the foetus. Seeing the picture of the baby in the womb was simply an impossibility. Knowing about structural defects and abnormalities was out of the question. Hence, everything was left to destiny; there have been cases that babies were born with structural defects.
Advanced photo imaging technology revolutionized the study of foetal movement. Now through ultrasound in Delhi, pregnant women and doctors can view the baby in womb and pictures can be taken using computerized technology.  2D ultrasound came into existence followed by 3D and 4D ultrasound technologies. 
While 2D is still in practice as the regular or standard mode of prenatal photo imaging, doctors prescribe 3D or 4D ultrasound to a mom-to-be in between 26 to 30 weeks. 4D ultrasound test is optional but it is being used for medical reasons by the consultant gynaecologist.
Why 4D Ultrasound is Becoming Popular?
4d ultrasound in Delhi is the latest technique that can be availed at Dr Lalchandani Path Lab, one of the finest diagnostic centres in Delhi with a panel of world-recognized gynaecologists and obstetricians. What makes this test popular is its prime benefit - visualizing the growing foetus in utero.
Pregnancy ultrasounds use sound waves to create images of the foetus on the screen of a computer. 4D ultrasound technology takes this experience to a new level with video screening facility. It is indeed a wonderful experience to view the detailed and intricate movements of the baby-related to face and limbs.
The Top Benefits of Having a 4D Ultrasound
4D ultrasound is generally prescribed in the last trimester of pregnancy. Before that it makes no sense to go for a 4D test because the growing baby has less deposition of fat under his/ her skin.
The advantages of having 4D ultrasound test in Greater Kailash area of New Delhi are:
·         The experience of watching live screening of foetus is simply amazing. Parents have an out-of-the-world experience to view the baby in utero. This ensures prenatal binding of parents with the baby.
·         Assessment of foetal heart screening is easier. Shorter time takenfor diagnosis.
·         Allows real-time assessment of the face and detailed facial movements that include breathing motion, grimacing, blinking of eyes, sticking out tongue, swallowing movement and sucking of thumb, etcetera.
·         The photo clarity of 4D technology helps doctors to find out structural abnormalities like defects in the spinal cord or cleft lip. Some other defects that can be identified are ones associated with the development of neural tube, complete formation of limbs and normal shape and structure of skeleton. These defects remain unidentified by regular 2D imaging.
·         Study of abnormal fetal behaviour helps the doctors to find clues about several neurological disorders that affect younger children. Some of the prenatal neurological problems include epilepsy, ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), autism, and schizophrenia.
·         Prior knowledge of anomalies allow doctors to pre-plan the rectification measures post-delivery of the child.
·         Assessment of the placental location helps to decide on the course of operation.
The benefits of studying well-being of a growing baby via 4D ultrasound test is unsurpassable. But, care should be taken this test should not be taken for entertainment (to have a keepsake picture). Non-medical exposure of foetus to ultrasound waves is not desirable for a prolonged period. 


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